Source code for

"""A synthetic 2D data set with two features and one protected attribute
implemented as AIF360 BinaryLabelDataset.

The code is adopted from:

Additionally, a function to scatter plot the points is available.

TODO: pass labels, colors etc. to the plot function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from aif360.datasets import BinaryLabelDataset
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal  # generating synthetic data

[docs]class SyntheticDataset(BinaryLabelDataset): """Synthetic data set with two features and one protected attribute. The data set is randomly generated from two gaussians each time. Both protected attribute and label are binary and features are numerical. """ _UNPRIVILEGED_GROUP_NEGATIVE_LABEL = "Prot. -ve" _UNPRIVILEGED_GROUP_POSITIVE_LABEL = "Prot. +ve" _PRIVILEGED_GROUP_NEGATIVE_LABEL = "Non-prot. -ve" _PRIVILEGED_GROUP_POSITIVE_LABEL = "Non-prot. +ve"
[docs] def __init__( self, n_samples=1000, label_name="label", feature_one_name="feature_1", feature_two_name="feature_2", favorable_label=1, unfavorable_label=0, protected_attribute_name="protected_attribute", privileged_class=1, unprivileged_class=0, sd=1122334455, mu_1=(2, 2), sigma_1=((5, 1), (1, 5)), mu_2=(-2, -2), sigma_2=((10, 1), (1, 3)), initial_discrimination=4.0, ): """ Args: n_samples (int) : the number of samples to generate label_name (str): name of the column storing the target variable feature_one_name (str): name of the first unprotected feature feature_two_name (str): name of the second unprotected feature favorable_label (int): label considered positive unfavorable_label (int): label considered negative protected_attribute_name (str): the name of the protected attribute privileged_class (int): class of protected attribute considered positive unprivileged_class (int): class of protected attribute considered negative sd (int): seed for random generator mu_1 (float, float): mean of positive group cluster sigma_1 ((float, float), (float, float)): covariance of positive group cluster mu_2 (float, float): mean of negative group cluster sigma_2 ((float, float), (float, float)): covariance of negative group cluster initial_discrimination (float): initial discrimination factor """ np.random.seed(sd) self.n_samples = n_samples self._mu_1 = np.array(mu_1) self._sigma_1 = np.array(sigma_1) self._mu_2 = np.array(mu_2) self._sigma_2 = np.array(sigma_2) self._disc_factor = np.pi / initial_discrimination X1, X2, X_s, y = self._gen_data( favorable_label, unfavorable_label, privileged_class, unprivileged_class, ) df = pd.DataFrame( { feature_one_name: X1, feature_two_name: X2, protected_attribute_name: X_s, label_name: y, } ) super(SyntheticDataset, self).__init__( favorable_label=favorable_label, unfavorable_label=unfavorable_label, df=df, label_names=[label_name], protected_attribute_names=[protected_attribute_name], privileged_protected_attributes=[[privileged_class]], unprivileged_protected_attributes=[[unprivileged_class]], )
def _gen_gaussian(self, mean_in, cov_in, class_label): """Generates n_samples from gaussian distribution""" nv = multivariate_normal(mean=mean_in, cov=cov_in) X = nv.rvs(self.n_samples) y = np.ones(self.n_samples, dtype=float) * class_label return nv, X, y def _gen_data( self, favorable_label, unfavorable_label, privileged_class, unprivileged_class, ): """Code for generating the synthetic data. We will have two non-sensitive features and one sensitive feature. Args: favorable_label (int): the label considered positive. unfavorable_label (int): the label considered negative. privileged_class (int): the class in protected attribute considered privileged. unprivileged_class (int): the class in protected attribute considered unprivileged. Returns: X_0 (np.ndarary): 1D array, the first unprotected feature. X_1 (np.ndarary): 1D array, the second unprotected feature. X_s (np.ndarary): 1D array, binary, the protected attribute. y (np.ndarary): 1D array, binary, the labels. """ nv1, X1, y1 = self._gen_gaussian( self._mu_1, self._sigma_1, favorable_label ) nv2, X2, y2 = self._gen_gaussian( self._mu_2, self._sigma_2, unfavorable_label ) X = np.vstack((X1, X2)) y = np.hstack((y1, y2)) # shuffle the data perm = list(range(0, self.n_samples * 2)) np.random.shuffle(perm) X = X[perm] y = y[perm] rotation_mult = np.array( [ [np.cos(self._disc_factor), -np.sin(self._disc_factor)], [np.sin(self._disc_factor), np.cos(self._disc_factor)], ] ) X_aux =, rotation_mult) # Generate the sensitive feature here x_sensitive = [] for i in range(0, len(X)): x = X_aux[i] # probability for each cluster that the point belongs to it p1 = nv1.pdf(x) p2 = nv2.pdf(x) # normalize the probabilities s = p1 + p2 p1 = p1 / s r = np.random.uniform() if r < p1: # the first cluster is the positive class x_sensitive.append(privileged_class) else: x_sensitive.append(unprivileged_class) x_sensitive = np.array(x_sensitive) return X[:, 0], X[:, 1], x_sensitive, y # noinspection Duplicates
[docs] def plot(self, num_to_draw=200): """Plot subsample of data with unprotected features on x and y axis.""" x_draw = self.features[:num_to_draw, :2] # ignore the protected column y_draw = self.labels[:num_to_draw, 0] x_sensitive_draw = self.protected_attributes[:num_to_draw, 0] idx = x_sensitive_draw == self.unprivileged_protected_attributes[0] X_unprivileged = x_draw[idx] idx = x_sensitive_draw == self.privileged_protected_attributes[0] X_privileged = x_draw[idx] idx = x_sensitive_draw == self.unprivileged_protected_attributes[0] y_unprivileged = y_draw[idx] idx = x_sensitive_draw == self.privileged_protected_attributes[0] y_privileged = y_draw[idx] # pylint: disable=duplicate-code plt.scatter( X_unprivileged[y_unprivileged == self.favorable_label][:, 0], X_unprivileged[y_unprivileged == self.favorable_label][:, 1], color="green", marker="x", label=self._UNPRIVILEGED_GROUP_POSITIVE_LABEL, ) plt.scatter( X_unprivileged[y_unprivileged == self.unfavorable_label][:, 0], X_unprivileged[y_unprivileged == self.unfavorable_label][:, 1], color="red", marker="x", label=self._UNPRIVILEGED_GROUP_NEGATIVE_LABEL, ) plt.scatter( X_privileged[y_privileged == self.favorable_label][:, 0], X_privileged[y_privileged == self.favorable_label][:, 1], color="green", facecolors="none", label=self._PRIVILEGED_GROUP_POSITIVE_LABEL, ) plt.scatter( X_privileged[y_privileged == self.unfavorable_label][:, 0], X_privileged[y_privileged == self.unfavorable_label][:, 1], color="red", facecolors="none", label=self._PRIVILEGED_GROUP_NEGATIVE_LABEL, ) plt.legend() plt.xlabel(self.feature_names[0]) plt.ylabel(self.feature_names[1]) plt.xlim((np.min(x_draw[:, 0]) - 2, np.max(x_draw[:, 0]) + 2)) plt.ylim((np.min(x_draw[:, 1]) - 2, np.max(x_draw[:, 1]) + 2))