Source code for fairensics.methods.fairness_warnings

"""Yield warnings when fairness boundaries are violated or data is skewed."""
import warnings

import numpy as np
from aif360.datasets import BinaryLabelDataset
from aif360.metrics import ClassificationMetric

[docs]class FairnessBoundsWarning: """Raise warnings if classifier misses specified fairness bounds. Bounds are checked using AIF360s classification metric if the specified bound is not None. """ DISPARATE_IMPACT_RATIO_BOUND = 0.8 FPR_RATIO_BOUND = 0.8 FNR_RATIO_BOUND = 0.8 ERROR_RATIO_BOUND = 0.8 EO_DIFFERENCE_BOUND = 0.1 FPR_DIFFERENCE_BOUND = None FNR_DIFFERENCE_BOUND = None ERROR_DIFFERENCE_BOUND = None
[docs] def __init__( self, raw_dataset: BinaryLabelDataset, predicted_dataset: BinaryLabelDataset, privileged_groups=None, unprivileged_groups=None, ): """ Args: raw_dataset (BinaryLabelDataset): Dataset with ground-truth labels. predicted_dataset (BinaryLabelDataset): Dataset after predictions. privileged_groups (list(dict)): Privileged groups. Format is a list of `dicts` where the keys are `protected_attribute_names` and the values are values in `protected_attributes`. Each `dict` element describes a single group. unprivileged_groups (list(dict)): Unprivileged groups. Same format as privileged_groups. """ self._raw_dataset = raw_dataset self._predicted_dataset = predicted_dataset if privileged_groups is None: privileged_groups = [ dict( zip( predicted_dataset.protected_attribute_names, predicted_dataset.privileged_protected_attributes, ) ) ] if unprivileged_groups is None: unprivileged_groups = [ dict( zip( predicted_dataset.protected_attribute_names, predicted_dataset.unprivileged_protected_attributes, ) ) ] self._classification_metric = ClassificationMetric( raw_dataset, predicted_dataset, unprivileged_groups=unprivileged_groups, privileged_groups=privileged_groups, )
[docs] def check_bounds(self): """Run methods checking each bound.""" self._check_disparate_impact() self._check_fpr_bound() self._check_fnr_bound() self._check_all_errors_bound() self._check_eo_bound()
@staticmethod def _warn_bound(metric_name, computed_ratio, tolerated_ratio): """Raise warning with default message.""" warning_msg = ( "Classifier has " + metric_name + " of : " + str(computed_ratio) + " above threshold of " + str(tolerated_ratio) ) warnings.warn(warning_msg) @staticmethod def _maybe_scale(num): """Return inverse of num if num is larger than one.""" return num if num < 1 else 1 / num def _check_disparate_impact(self): """Raise warning if disparate impact bound is breached.""" if self.DISPARATE_IMPACT_RATIO_BOUND is not None: dsp_im = self._maybe_scale( self._classification_metric.disparate_impact() ) if dsp_im > self.DISPARATE_IMPACT_RATIO_BOUND: self._warn_bound( "disparate impact", dsp_im, self.DISPARATE_IMPACT_RATIO_BOUND, ) def _check_fpr_bound(self): """Raise warning if false positive bound is breached.""" if self.FPR_RATIO_BOUND is not None: fprr = self._maybe_scale( self._classification_metric.false_positive_rate_ratio() ) if fprr > self.FPR_RATIO_BOUND: self._warn_bound( "false positive ratio", fprr, self.FPR_RATIO_BOUND ) if self.FPR_DIFFERENCE_BOUND is not None: fprd = self._classification_metric.false_positive_rate_difference() if fprd > self.FPR_DIFFERENCE_BOUND: self._warn_bound( "false positive rate difference", fprd, self.FPR_DIFFERENCE_BOUND, ) def _check_fnr_bound(self): """Raise warning if false negative bound is breached.""" if self.FNR_RATIO_BOUND is not None: fnrr = self._maybe_scale( self._classification_metric.false_negative_rate_ratio() ) if fnrr > self.FNR_RATIO_BOUND: self._warn_bound( "false negative ratio", fnrr, self.FNR_RATIO_BOUND ) if self.FNR_DIFFERENCE_BOUND is not None: fnrd = self._classification_metric.false_positive_rate_difference() if fnrd > self.FNR_DIFFERENCE_BOUND: self._warn_bound( "false negative rate difference", fnrd, self.FNR_DIFFERENCE_BOUND, ) def _check_all_errors_bound(self): """Raise warning if overall error bound is breached.""" if self.ERROR_RATIO_BOUND is not None: err = self._maybe_scale( self._classification_metric.error_rate_ratio() ) if err > self.ERROR_RATIO_BOUND: self._warn_bound("error ratio", err, self.ERROR_RATIO_BOUND) if self.ERROR_DIFFERENCE_BOUND is not None: errd = self._classification_metric.error_rate_difference() if errd > self.ERROR_DIFFERENCE_BOUND: self._warn_bound( "error rate difference", errd, self.ERROR_DIFFERENCE_BOUND ) def _check_eo_bound(self): """Raise warning if equalized odds difference is breached.""" if self.EO_DIFFERENCE_BOUND is not None: eo = self._classification_metric.equal_opportunity_difference() if eo > self.EO_DIFFERENCE_BOUND: self._warn_bound( "true positive rate", eo, self.EO_DIFFERENCE_BOUND )
[docs]class DataSetSkewedWarning: """Raise warning if dataset is skewed with respect to protected attributes. Checks are only executed, if the specified bounds are not None. """ POSITIVE_NEGATIVE_CLASS_FRACTION = 0.4 POSITIVE_NEGATIVE_LABEL_FRACTION = 0.4 CLASS_LABEL_FRACTION = 0.4
[docs] def __init__(self, dataset: BinaryLabelDataset): """ Args: dataset (BinaryLabelDataset): the ground truth data set. """ self._dataset = dataset
[docs] def check_dataset(self): """Call methods checking bounds if bounds are specified.""" if self.POSITIVE_NEGATIVE_CLASS_FRACTION is not None: self._check_all_positive_negative_class_ratios() if self.POSITIVE_NEGATIVE_LABEL_FRACTION is not None: self._check_positive_negative_label_ratio() if self.CLASS_LABEL_FRACTION is not None: self._check_all_class_label_ratios()
@staticmethod def _check_balance(data_vector, threshold_ratio): """Return whether ratio between classes in data_vector is in threshold. Args: data_vector: 1d vector of categorical features. threshold_ratio: tolerated ratio of imbalance between classes. Returns: True, if ratios of classes in data_vector are within the threshold. """ _groups, class_count = np.unique(data_vector, return_counts=True) perfect_balance = 1 / len(class_count) tolerated_balance = perfect_balance * threshold_ratio class_ratios = class_count / np.sum(class_count) balance_diff = abs(class_ratios - perfect_balance) if not np.all(balance_diff <= tolerated_balance): return False return True def _check_positive_negative_label_ratio(self): """Raise warning if balance of the labels is not within threshold.""" if not self._check_balance( self._dataset.labels, self.POSITIVE_NEGATIVE_LABEL_FRACTION ): warning_msg = "Ratio between labels is above tolerance of " + str( self.POSITIVE_NEGATIVE_LABEL_FRACTION ) warnings.warn(warning_msg) def _warn_imbalance(self, prot_attr_idx, tolerated_ratio, msg): """Raise warning with standard message.""" attr_name = self._dataset.protected_attribute_names[prot_attr_idx] warning_msg = ( "Ratio " + msg + " for protected attribute: " + attr_name + " is " + " above threshold of " + str(tolerated_ratio) ) warnings.warn(warning_msg) def _check_all_positive_negative_class_ratios(self): """Raise warning for ratio between classes of a protected feature. For instance, 100 people belong to class 1 but only 10 to class 0. """ for i in range(len(self._dataset.protected_attribute_names)): prot_attr = self._dataset.protected_attributes[:, i] if not self._check_balance( prot_attr, self.POSITIVE_NEGATIVE_CLASS_FRACTION ): self._warn_imbalance( i, self.POSITIVE_NEGATIVE_CLASS_FRACTION, " between groups ", ) def _check_all_class_label_ratios(self): """Check combinations of protected attributes and labels.""" label_classes = np.unique(self._dataset.labels) for i in range(len(self._dataset.protected_attribute_names)): prot_attr = self._dataset.protected_attributes[:, i] self._check_class_label_ratio(i, prot_attr, label_classes) def _check_class_label_ratio(self, i, prot_attr, label_classes): """ Raise warning if ratio between feature and labels is too high. Args: i (int): the index of the protected attribute. prot_attr (np.ndarray): 1D array of protected feature. label_classes (np.ndarray): 1D array of classes of labels. """ attr_classes = np.unique(prot_attr) num_label_class_combinations = len(label_classes) * len(attr_classes) perfect_balance = 1 / num_label_class_combinations tolerated_imbalance = perfect_balance * self.CLASS_LABEL_FRACTION for group in attr_classes: for label in label_classes: lbl_mask = self._dataset.labels == label grp_mask = prot_attr == group ratio = np.sum(lbl_mask == grp_mask) ratio /= num_label_class_combinations if ratio > tolerated_imbalance: self._warn_imbalance( i, self.CLASS_LABEL_FRACTION, " between label and attribute ", )