Source code for fairensics.methods.utils

"""Utilities for fair-classification:

    - Loss functions and their names
    - get_one_hot_encoding()
    - add_intercept()
    - get_protected_attributes_dict()

Most functions adopted from
import cvxpy
import numpy as np

[docs]class LossFunctions: """Loss functions for fair-classification. This class stores implementations of loss functions used in fair-classification. The functions can be accessed using the get_loss_function() methods passing loss function names either as numpy or cvxpy implementation. """ NAME_SVM_LOSS = "svm_linear" NAME_LOG_REG = "logreg" NAME_LOG_REG_L1 = "logreg_l1" NAME_LOG_REG_L2 = "logreg_l2" LOSS_NAMES = [ NAME_LOG_REG, NAME_LOG_REG_L1, NAME_LOG_REG_L2, NAME_SVM_LOSS, ]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_loss_function(loss_name): """Return loss function for loss_name.""" assert loss_name in LossFunctions.LOSS_NAMES if loss_name == LossFunctions.NAME_LOG_REG: return LossFunctions.logistic_loss if loss_name == LossFunctions.NAME_LOG_REG_L2: return LossFunctions.logistic_loss_l1_reg if loss_name == LossFunctions.NAME_LOG_REG_L2: return LossFunctions.logistic_loss_l2_reg if loss_name == LossFunctions.NAME_SVM_LOSS: return LossFunctions.hinge_loss
[docs] @staticmethod def get_cvxpy_loss_function(loss_name): """Return cvxpy loss function for loss_name.""" assert loss_name in LossFunctions.LOSS_NAMES if loss_name == LossFunctions.NAME_LOG_REG: return LossFunctions.cvxpy_logistic_loss if loss_name == LossFunctions.NAME_LOG_REG_L1: return LossFunctions.cvxpy_logistic_loss_l1 if loss_name == LossFunctions.NAME_LOG_REG_L2: return LossFunctions.cvxpy_logistic_loss_l2 if loss_name == LossFunctions.NAME_SVM_LOSS: return LossFunctions.cvxpy_hinge_loss
[docs] @staticmethod def cvxpy_logistic_loss(w, X, y, num_points=None): """CVXPY implementation of logistic loss. Args: w (np.ndarray): 1D, the weight matrix with shape (n_features,). X (np.ndarray): 2D, the features with shape (n_samples, n_features) y (np.ndarray): 1D, the true labels with shape (n_samples,). num_points (int): number of points in X (first dimension of X "n_samples", but some methods pass a different value for scaling). Returns: (float): the loss. """ if num_points is None: num_points = X.shape[0] return ( cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.logistic(cvxpy.multiply(-y, X * w))) / num_points )
[docs] @staticmethod def cvxpy_logistic_loss_l1(w, X, y, lam=None, num_points=None): """CVXPY implementation of L1 regularized logistic loss. Args: w (np.ndarray): 1D, the weight matrix with shape (n_features,). X (np.ndarray): 2D, the features with shape (n_samples, n_features) y (np.ndarray): 1D, the true labels with shape (n_samples,). lam (float): regularization parameter. num_points (int): number of points in X (corresponds to the first dimension of X "n", but some methods pass a different value for scaling). Returns: (float): the loss. """ if num_points is None: num_points = X.shape[0] if lam is None: lam = 1.0 yz = cvxpy.multiply(-y, X * w) logistic_loss = cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.logistic(yz)) l1_reg = (float(lam) / 2.0) * cvxpy.norm1(w) out = logistic_loss + l1_reg return out / num_points
[docs] @staticmethod def cvxpy_logistic_loss_l2(w, X, y, lam=None, num_points=None): """CVXPY implementation of L2 regularized logistic loss. Args: w (np.ndarray): 1D, the weight matrix with shape (n_features,). X (np.ndarray): 2D, the features with shape (n_samples, n_features) y (np.ndarray): 1D, the true labels with shape (n_samples,). lam (float): regularization parameter. num_points (int): number of points in X (corresponds to the first dimension of X "n", but some methods pass a different value for scaling). Returns: (float): the loss. """ if lam is None: lam = 1.0 if num_points is None: num_points = X.shape[0] yz = cvxpy.multiply(-y, X * w) logistic_loss = cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.logistic(yz)) l2_reg = (float(lam) / 2.0) * cvxpy.pnorm(w, p=2) ** 2 out = logistic_loss + l2_reg return out / num_points
[docs] @staticmethod def cvxpy_hinge_loss(w, X, y, num_points=None): """CVXPY implementation of hinge loss. Args: w (np.ndarray): 1D, the weight matrix with shape (n_features,). X (np.ndarray): 2D, the features with shape (n_samples, n_features) y (np.ndarray): 1D, the true labels with shape (n_samples,). num_points (int): number of points in X (corresponds to the first dimension of X "n", but some methods pass a different value for scaling). Returns: (float): the loss. """ if num_points is None: num_points = X.shape[0] res = cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.max(0, 1 - cvxpy.multiply(y, X * w))) return res / num_points
[docs] @staticmethod def hinge_loss(w, X, y): """Numpy implementation of hinge loss. Args: w (np.ndarray): 1D, the weight matrix with shape (n_features,). X (np.ndarray): 2D, the features with shape (n_samples, n_features) y (np.ndarray): 1D, the true labels with shape (n_samples,). Returns: (float): the loss. """ yz = y *, w) # y * (x.w) yz = np.maximum(np.zeros_like(yz), (1 - yz)) # hinge function return sum(yz)
[docs] @staticmethod def logistic_loss(w, X, y, return_arr=False): """Numpy implementation of logistic loss. This function is used from scikit-learn source code Args: w (np.ndarray): 1D, the weight matrix with shape (n_features,). X (np.ndarray): 2D, the features with shape (n_samples, n_features) y (np.ndarray): 1D, the true labels with shape (n_samples,). return_arr (bool): if true, an array is returned otherwise the sum of the array Returns: (float or list(float)): the loss. """ yz = y *, w) # Logistic loss is the negative of the log of the logistic function. if return_arr: return -LossFunctions.log_logistic(yz) return -np.sum(LossFunctions.log_logistic(yz))
[docs] @staticmethod def logistic_loss_l1_reg(w, X, y, lam=None): """Numpy implementation of L1 regularized logistic loss. Args: w (np.ndarray): 1D, the weight matrix with shape (n_features,). X (np.ndarray): 2D, the features with shape (n_samples, n_features) y (np.ndarray): 1D, the true labels with shape (n_samples,). lam (float): regularization parameter. Returns: (float): the loss. """ if lam is None: lam = 1.0 yz = y *, w) # Logistic loss is the negative of the log of the logistic function. logistic_loss = -np.sum(LossFunctions.log_logistic(yz)) l1_reg = (float(lam) / 2.0) * np.sum(abs(w)) out = logistic_loss + l1_reg return out
[docs] @staticmethod def logistic_loss_l2_reg(w, X, y, lam=None): """Numpy implementation of L2 regularized logistic loss. Args: w (np.ndarray): 1D, the weight matrix with shape (n_features,). X (np.ndarray): 2D, the features with shape (n_samples, n_features) y (np.ndarray): 1D, the true labels with shape (n_samples,). lam (float): regularization parameter. Returns: (float): the loss. """ if lam is None: lam = 1.0 yz = y *, w) # Logistic loss is the negative of the log of the logistic function. logistic_loss = -np.sum(LossFunctions.log_logistic(yz)) l2_reg = (float(lam) / 2.0) * np.sum([elem * elem for elem in w]) out = logistic_loss + l2_reg return out
[docs] @staticmethod def log_logistic(X): """Log_logistic from scikit-learn source code. Source link below. Compute the log of the logistic function, ``log(1 / (1 + e ** -x))``. Source code at: Args: X (array-like): shape (M, N) Argument to the logistic function Returns: out (np.ndarray): shape (M, N) Log of the logistic function at every point in x """ if X.ndim > 1: raise Exception("Array of samples cannot be more than 1-D!") out = np.empty_like(X) # same dimensions and data types idx = X > 0 out[idx] = -np.log(1.0 + np.exp(-X[idx])) out[~idx] = X[~idx] - np.log(1.0 + np.exp(X[~idx])) return out
[docs]def get_one_hot_encoding(arr): """Returns one hot encoding of array arr. Args: arr (np.ndarray): 1D array with int values. Returns: Tuple consisting of out_arr (np.ndarray) one-hot encoded matrix and index_dict (dict) dictionary original_val -> column in encoded matrix. """ arr = np.array(arr, dtype=int) assert len(arr.shape) == 1 # no column, means it was a 1-D arr attr_vals_uniq_sorted = sorted(list(set(arr))) num_uniq_vals = len(attr_vals_uniq_sorted) if ( num_uniq_vals == 2 and attr_vals_uniq_sorted[0] == 0 and attr_vals_uniq_sorted[1] == 1 ): return arr, None index_dict = {} # value to the column number for i in enumerate(len(attr_vals_uniq_sorted)): val = attr_vals_uniq_sorted[i] index_dict[val] = i out_arr = [] for i in enumerate(arr): tup = np.zeros(num_uniq_vals) val = arr[i] ind = index_dict[val] tup[ind] = 1 # set that value of tuple to 1 out_arr.append(tup) return np.array(out_arr), index_dict
[docs]def add_intercept(x): """Adds intercept (column of ones) to X.""" m, _ = x.shape intercept = np.ones(m).reshape(m, 1) # the constant b return np.concatenate((intercept, x), axis=1)
[docs]def get_protected_attributes_dict(names, attributes): """Returns dictionary of protected attributes. The dictionary has the form: {"s1": [...], "s2": [...], ... } Key "sI" is the sensitive feature name, and [...] the 1D array holding the sensitive feature. Args: names (list(str)): names of the attributes in attributes. attributes (np.ndarray): 2D array of the sensitive features. Returns: (dict): {"s1": [attributes[:, 1]], "s2":[attributes[:, 2]], ... } """ protected_attributes_dict = {} for i in range(len(names)): name = names[i] data = attributes[:, i] protected_attributes_dict[name] = data return protected_attributes_dict